Alabama Crime Rates 1960 - 2020
The data in the crime reports is derived from the annual Uniform Crime Reports issued by the FBI until 2020, at which time the FBI stopped releasing the annual reports in favor of its own electronic search engine.  The provides access to a variety of information including: 
A kindle version is available of the Supreme Court Ruling in: “NY RIFLE & PISTOL Assoc. Inc v. BRUEN, of NY State Police” as an Amazon Kindle Book and for those who prefer a book format as a paperback
A kindle version of the Supreme Court Ruling in Supreme Court in: 'DOBBS,. v. JACKSON: The ruling overturning Roe V Wade" is also available as an Amazon Kindle Book a paperback version is also available.
Alabama Population and Number of Crimes  1960 - 2020
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
1960 3,266,740 39,920 6,097 33,823 406 281 898 4,512 11,626 19,344 2,853
1961 3,302,000 38,105 5,564 32,541 427 252 630 4,255 11,205 18,801 2,535
1962 3,358,000 41,112 5,283 35,829 316 218 754 3,995 11,722 21,306 2,801
1963 3,347,000 44,636 6,115 38,521 340 192 828 4,755 12,614 22,874 3,033
1964 3,407,000 53,550 7,260 46,290 316 397 992 5,555 15,898 26,713 3,679
1965 3,462,000 55,131 6,916 48,215 395 367 992 5,162 16,398 28,115 3,702
1966 3,517,000 61,838 8,098 53,740 384 341 1,124 6,249 18,551 30,583 4,606
1967 3,540,000 65,527 8,448 57,079 415 371 1,167 6,495 20,227 31,682 5,170
1968 3,566,000 71,285 8,288 62,997 421 396 1,462 6,009 22,403 34,508 6,086
1969 3,531,000 75,090 8,842 66,248 485 494 1,448 6,415 23,559 36,644 6,045
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
1970 3,444,165 85,399 10,185 75,214 404 637 1,731 7,413 26,739 40,779 7,696
1971 3,479,000 86,919 10,835 76,084 524 661 2,005 7,645 27,547 40,841 7,696
1972 3,510,000 84,047 10,994 73,053 496 660 2,407 7,431 27,714 38,493 6,846
1973 3,539,000 91,389 12,390 78,999 468 751 2,809 8,362 31,754 39,206 8,039
1974 3,577,000 107,314 13,338 93,976 536 811 3,562 8,429 37,841 46,813 9,322
1975 3,614,000 125,497 14,201 111,296 577 738 4,446 8,440 42,059 59,470 9,767
1976 3,665,000 139,573 14,248 125,325 553 794 3,520 9,381 42,879 72,832 9,614
1977 3,690,000 136,995 15,293 121,702 524 929 3,572 10,268 41,901 69,442 10,359
1978 3,742,000 147,389 15,682 131,707 499 954 3,708 10,521 46,001 74,387 11,319
1979 3,769,000 159,950 15,578 144,372 496 1,037 4,127 9,918 48,517 83,791 12,064
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
1980 3,861,466 190,511 17,320 173,191 509 1,158 5,102 10,551 58,952 102,029 12,210
1981 3,916,000 191,834 18,423 173,411 465 1,021 4,952 11,985 56,811 105,471 11,129
1982 3,943,000 182,701 17,653 165,048 417 1,026 4,417 11,793 49,531 104,740 10,777
1983 3,959,000 162,361 16,471 145,890 364 931 3,895 11,281 42,485 94,279 9,126
1984 3,990,000 155,691 17,204 138,487 374 1,002 3,833 11,995 39,970 89,198 9,319
1985 4,021,000 158,513 18,398 140,115 396 1,079 4,237 12,686 41,612 88,108 10,395
1986 4,053,000 173,807 22,616 151,191 409 1,150 4,523 16,534 46,974 93,396 10,821
1987 4,083,000 181,751 22,833 158,918 380 1,137 4,581 16,735 48,927 99,260 10,731
1988 4,127,000 188,261 23,052 165,209 408 1,228 4,860 16,556 50,920 103,282 11,007
1989 4,118,000 190,573 24,329 166,244 421 1,276 5,515 17,117 47,224 106,771 12,249
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
1990 4,040,587 198,604 28,630 169,974 467 1,319 5,805 21,039 44,585 111,336 14,053
1991 4,089,000 219,400 34,518 184,882 469 1,455 6,246 26,348 51,873 118,151 14,858
1992 4,136,000 217,889 36,052 181,837 455 1,704 6,819 27,074 49,053 117,801 14,983
1993 4,187,000 204,274 32,676 171,598 484 1,471 6,677 24,044 45,578 111,878 14,142
1994 4,219,000 206,859 28,844 178,015 501 1,487 7,223 19,633 44,064 119,951 14,000
1995 4,253,000 206,188 26,894 179,294 475 1,350 7,900 17,169 43,586 120,967 14,741
1996  4,273,000  205,962  24,159  181,803  444  1,397  7,124  15,194  42,821  123,350  15,632 
1997  4,319,000  211,188  24,379  186,809  426  1,396  6,931  15,626  43,786  127,616  15,407
1998  4,352,000  200,065  22,286  177,779  354  1,443  5,698  14,791  41,965  120,943  14,871 
1999  4,369,862  192,819  21,421  171,398  345  1,513  5,297  14,266  38,648  119,616  13,134
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
2000  4,447,100  202,159  21,620  180,539  329  1,482  5,702  14,107  40,331  127,399  12,809
2001  4,468,912  192,835  19,582  173,253  379  1,369  5,584  12,250  40,642  119,992  12,619
2002  4,478,869  200,331 19,931  180,400  303  1,664  5,962  12,002  42,578  123,932  13,890 
2003  4,503,726  201,572  19,331  182,241  299  1,656  6,038  11,338  43,245  124,039  14,957
2004  4,525,375  201,664  19,324  182,340  254  1,742  6,042  11,286  44,666  123,650  14,024
2005  4,548,327 197,071 19,678  177,393 374 1,564 6,447 11,293 43,473 120,780 13,140
2006  4,599,030 200,578 19,557  181,021 382 1,649 7,059 10,467 44,571 121,610 14,840
2007 4,627,851 204,530 20,732  183,798 412 1,545 7,398 11,377 45,331 124,237 14,230
2008 4,677,464 211,401 21,109  190,292 357 1,618 7,344 11,790 50,379 126,461 13,452
2009 4,708,708 199,201 21,194 178,007 322 1,504 6,265 13,103 48,844 118,072 11,091
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder *Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
2010 4,785,401 187,191 18,363 168,828 275 1,355 4,864 11,869 42,484 115,564 10,780
2011 4,803,689 193,358 20,166 173,192 299 1,370 4,906 13,591 51,119 111,411 10,662
2012 4,817,528 190,571 21,693 168,878 342 1,296 5,020 15,035 47,481 111,523 9,874
2013 4,833,996 182,669 20,834 161,835 346 1,449 4,645 13,788 42,410 108,862 10,563
2014 4,846,411 174,814 20,727 154,087 276 1,425 4,702 13,744 39,723 104,223 10,141
2015 4,853,875 167,742 22,957 144,785 348 1,449 4,612 15,960 35,265 99,182 10,338
2016 4,860,545 169,137 25,878 143,259 407 1,915 4,687 18,869 34,045 97,498 11,716
2017 4,875,120 169,243 25,469 143,774 419 2,001 4,233 18,816 31,270 99,707 12,797
2018 4,887,681 164,269 25,567 138,702 383 2,032 4,047 19,105 29,101 96,328 13,273
2019 4,903,185 156,179 25,046 131,133 358 2,068 3,941 18,679 26,079 92,477 12,577
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder *Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
2020 4,921,532 127,483 22,322 105,161 471 1,608 2,666 17,577 19,660 74,575 10,926
*Forcible Rape*
For the year 2016 and beyond the FBI report includes all genders of rape in the Forcible Rape category.  Prior to 2016 rape reports counted were by females only.
The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program is the starting place for those seeking information on crime in the nation. The UCR is produced from data received from over 18,000 law enforcement agencies voluntarily participating in the program. .
Alabama Population and Rate of Crime per 100,000 People  1960 - 2020
Alabama Alabama ALABAMA
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
1960 3,266,740 1,222.0 186.6 1,035.4 12.4 8.6 27.5 138.1 355.9 592.1 87.3
1961 3,302,000 1,154.0 168.5 985.5 12.9 7.6 19.1 128.9 339.3 569.4 76.8
1962 3,358,000 1,224.3 157.3 1,067.0 9.4 6.5 22.5 119.0 349.1 634.5 83.4
1963 3,347,000 1,333.6 182.7 1,150.9 10.2 5.7 24.7 142.1 376.9 683.4 90.6
1964 3,407,000 1,571.8 213.1 1,358.7 9.3 11.7 29.1 163.0 466.6 784.1 108.0
1965 3,462,000 1,592.5 199.8 1,392.7 11.4 10.6 28.7 149.1 473.7 812.1 106.9
1966 3,517,000 1,758.3 230.3 1,528.0 10.9 9.7 32.0 177.7 527.5 869.6 131.0
1967 3,540,000 1,851.0 238.6 1,612.4 11.7 10.5 33.0 183.5 571.4 895.0 146.0
1968 3,566,000 1,999.0 232.4 1,766.6 11.8 11.1 41.0 168.5 628.2 967.7 170.7
1969 3,531,000 2,126.6 250.4 1,876.2 13.7 14.0 41.0 181.7 667.2 1,037.8 171.2
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
1970 3,444,165 2,479.5 295.7 2,183.8 11.7 18.5 50.3 215.2 776.4 1,184.0 223.5
1971 3,479,000 2,498.4 311.4 2,187.0 15.1 19.0 57.6 219.7 791.8 1,173.9 221.2
1972 3,510,000 2,394.5 313.2 2,081.3 14.1 18.8 68.6 211.7 789.6 1,096.7 195.0
1973 3,539,000 2,582.3 350.1 2,232.2 13.2 21.2 79.4 236.3 897.3 1,107.8 227.2
1974 3,577,000 3,000.1 372.9 2,627.2 15.0 22.7 99.6 235.6 1,057.9 1,308.7 260.6
1975 3,614,000 3,472.5 392.9 3,079.6 16.0 20.4 123.0 233.5 1,163.8 1,645.5 270.3
1976 3,665,000 3,808.3 388.8 3,419.5 15.1 21.7 96.0 256.0 1,170.0 1,987.2 262.3
1977 3,690,000 3,712.6 414.4 3,298.2 14.2 25.2 96.8 278.3 1,135.5 1,881.9 280.7
1978 3,742,000 3,938.8 419.1 3,519.7 13.3 25.5 99.1 281.2 1,229.3 1,987.9 302.5
1979 3,769,000 4,243.8 413.3 3,830.5 13.2 27.5 109.5 263.1 1,287.3 2,223.2 320.1
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
1980 3,861,466 4,933.6 448.5 4,485.1 13.2 30.0 132.1 273.2 1,526.7 2,642.2 316.2
1981 3,916,000 4,898.7 470.5 4,428.3 11.9 26.1 126.5 306.1 1,450.7 2,693.3 284.2
1982 3,943,000 4,633.6 447.7 4,185.8 10.6 26.0 112.0 299.1 1,256.2 2,656.4 273.3
1983 3,959,000 4,101.1 416.0 3,685.0 9.2 23.5 98.4 284.9 1,073.1 2,381.4 230.5
1984 3,990,000 3,902.0 431.2 3,470.9 9.4 25.1 96.1 300.6 1,001.8 2,235.5 233.6
1985 4,021,000 3,942.1 457.5 3,484.6 9.8 26.8 105.4 315.5 1,034.9 2,191.2 258.5
1986 4,053,000 4,288.4 558.0 3,730.3 10.1 28.4 111.6 407.9 1,159.0 2,304.4 267.0
1987 4,083,000 4,451.4 559.2 3,892.2 9.3 27.8 112.2 409.9 1,198.3 2,431.1 262.8
1988 4,127,000 4,561.7 558.6 4,003.1 9.9 29.8 117.8 401.2 1,233.8 2,502.6 266.7
1989 4,118,000 4,627.8 590.8 4,037.0 10.2 31.0 133.9 415.7 1,146.8 2,592.8 297.5
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
1990 4,040,587 4,915.2 708.6 4,206.7 11.6 32.6 143.7 520.7 1,103.4 2,755.4 347.8
1991 4,089,000 5,365.6 844.2 4,521.4 11.5 35.6 152.8 644.4 1,268.6 2,889.5 363.4
1992 4,136,000 5,268.1 871.7 4,396.4 11.0 41.2 164.9 654.6 1,186.0 2,848.2 362.3
1993 4,187,000 4,878.8 780.4 4,098.4 11.6 35.1 159.5 574.3 1,088.6 2,672.0 337.8
1994 4,219,000 4,903.0 683.7 4,219.4 11.9 35.2 171.2 465.3 1,044.4 2,843.1 331.8
1995 4,253,000 4,848.1 632.4 4,215.7 11.2 31.7 185.8 403.7 1,024.8 2,844.3 346.6
1996  4,273,000  4,820.1  565.4  4,254.7  10.4  32.7  166.7  355.6  1,002.1  2,886.7  365.8 
1997  4,319,000  4,889.7  564.5  4,325.3  9.9  32.3  160.5  361.8  1,013.8  2,954.8  356.7 
1998  4,352,000  4,597.1  512.1  4,085.0  8.1  33.2  130.9  339.9  964.3  2,779.0  341.7 
1999  4,369,862  4,412.5  490.2  3,922.3  7.9  34.6  121.2 326.5  884.4  2,737.3  300.6 
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
2000  4,447,100  4,545.9  486.2  4,059.7  7.4  33.3  128.2  317.2  906.9  2,864.8  288.0 
2001  4,468,912  4,315.0  438.2.  3,876.8  8.5  30.6  125.0  274.1  909.4  2,685.0  282.4 
2002  4,478,896  4,472.8 445.0  4,027.8  6.8  37.2  133.1  268.0  950.6  2,767.0  310.1 
2003  4,503,762  4,475.6 429.2  4,046.4  6.6  36.8  134.1 251.7  960.2  2,754.1  332.1 
2004  4,525,375  4,456.3  427.0  4,029.3  5.6  38.5  133.5  249.4  987.0  2,732.4  309.9 
2005  4,548,327  4,323.8  431.7  3,892.1 8.2 34.5 141.4 248.3  955.8 2,650.0  288.3
2006  4,599,030  4,361.3  425.2  3,936.1 8.3 35.9 153.5 227.6  969.1 2,644.3  322.7
2007 4,627,851  4,419.6 448.0  3,971.6 8.9 33.4 159.9 245.8  979.5 2,684.6  307.5
2008 4,667,464  4,519.6 451.3  4,068.3 7.6 34.6 157.0 252.1  1,077.1 2,703.6  287.6
2009 4,708,708  4,230.5 450.1  3,780.4 6.8 31.9 133.1 278.3  1,037.3 2,507.5  235.5
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder *Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
2010 4,785,401 3,911.7 383.7 3,528.0 5.7 28.3  101.6 248.0 887.8 2,414.9 225.3
2011 4,803,689 4,025.2 419.8 3,605.4 6.2 28.5 102.1 282.9 1,064.2 2,319.3 222.0
2012 4,817,528 3,955.8 450.3 3,505.5 7.1 26.9 104.2 312.1 985.6 2,314.9 205.0
2013 4,833,996 3,778.9 431.0 3,347.9 7.2 30.0 96.1 285.2 877.3 2,252.0 218.5
2014 4,846,411 3,607.1 427.7 3,179.4 5.7 29.4 97.0 283.6 819.6 2,150.5 209.2
2015 4,853,875 3,455.9 473.0 2,982.9 7.2 29.9 95.0 328.8 726.5 2,043.4 213.0
2016 4,860,545 3,480 532.4 2,947.4 8.4 39.4 96.4 388.2 700.4 2,005.9 241.0
2017 4,875,120 3,471.5 522.4 2,949.1 8.6 41.0 86.8 386.0 641.4 2,045.2 262.5
2018 4,887,681 3,360.9 523.1 2,837.8 7.8 41.6 82.8 390.9 595.4 1,970.8 271.6
2019 4,903,185 3,185.2 510.8 2,674.4 7.3 42.2 80.4 381.0 531.9 1,886.1 256.5
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder *Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
2020 4,921,532 2,590.4 453.6 2,136.8 9.6 32.7 54.2 357.1 399.5 1,515.3 222.0 developed the  following table to rank the rates of crime in Alabama over time in relation to the rates of crime of other States .  This new way to examine fluctuations in the crime rate reveals patterns that are important for law enforcement executives, students of criminal justice, researchers, members of the media, and the public at large seeking information on crime in the nation. *Forcible Rape*
For the year 2016 and beyond the FBI report includes all genders of rape in the Forcible Rape category.  Prior to 2016 rape reports counted were by females only. 
Alabama Population and Rate of Crime Rank Compared to other States
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Alabama 1960 18 33 7 41 2 17 26 2 30 41 39
Alabama 1961 19 39 8 42 1 19 33 5 33 42 42
Alabama 1962 18 38 10 40 3 28 27 5 34 42 45
Alabama 1963 19 38 10 39 1 34 29 3 34 42 45
Alabama 1964 20 37 10 38 4 12 27 4 30 40 40
Alabama 1965 21 36 13 38 1 22 28 6 30 41 40
Alabama 1966 21 38 11 40 4 28 30 3 31 41 41
Alabama 1967 21 41 12 40 1 27 34 4 33 44 41
Alabama 1968 21 40 18 40 4 29 34 11 32 43 38
Alabama 1969 21 42 17 42 1 25 37 11 33 44 40
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Alabama 1970 21 40 18 41 7 16 37 7 32 43 36
Alabama 1971 21 41 22 43 3 18 35 10 34 45 37
Alabama 1972 21 42 22 44 4 25 30 16 35 46 39
Alabama 1973 21 42 21 44 7 24 30 16 34 47 36
Alabama 1974 21 44 22 45 4 26 29 16 35 48 35
Alabama 1975 21 43 22 44 1 27 28 17 34 47 33
Alabama 1976 21 40 21 41 1 28 30 15 31 43 32
Alabama 1977 21 42 18 43 4 25 29 15 33 42 33
Alabama 1978 22 37 21 40 5 24 27 16 29 42 34
Alabama 1979 22 40 26 41 6 28 29 21 30 42 34
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Alabama 1980 22 32 24 37 8 26 25 22 23 40 32
Alabama 1981 22 31 22 34 10 32 28 18 27 37 32
Alabama 1982 22 31 21 33 13 29 30 17 29 37 30
Alabama 1983 22 34 22 37 13 33 30 16 32 39 31
Alabama 1984 22 34 22 37 11 32 31 13 31 40 32
Alabama 1985 22 36 21 40 11 30 26 15 29 41 32
Alabama 1986 22 34 17 38 12 29 25 11 25 41 31
Alabama 1987 22 33 15 37 13 33 23 11 21 41 31
Alabama 1988 22 30 16 33 10 31 23 13 20 38 33
Alabama 1989 22 30 17 32 9 30 22 11 23 40 33
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Alabama 1990 22 30 14 36 7 31 23 7 26 39 31
Alabama 1991 22 27 8 31 9 28 22 4 15 32 30
Alabama 1992 22 23 9 26 9 26 20 4 15 29 29
Alabama 1993 22 26 12 30 7 31 22 7 18 35 31
Alabama 1994 22 25 17 26 4 28 19 14 19 29 33
Alabama 1995 22 25 21 26 6 32 15 21 19 29 34
Alabama 1996 23 24 21 25 6 26 19 23 15 27 32
Alabama 1997 23 21 20 20 5 29 16 20 16 20 32
Alabama 1998 23 23 21 22 11 26 22 23 14 24 32
Alabama 1999 23 21 21 20 7 21 22 19 13 19 33
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Alabama 2000 23 15 20 15 6 24 22 19 11 16 32
Alabama 2001 23 17 22 20 5 28 21 24 13 22 35
Alabama 2002 23 17 21 16 11 19 18 23 12 16 31
Alabama 2003 23 19 22 18 11 19 18 24 12 18 27
Alabama 2004 23 16 22 17 18 19 17 22 10 16 30
Alabama 2005 23 18 22 17 4 22 16 23 10 15 31
Alabama 2006 23 13 23 13 5 17 13 25 8 8 26
Alabama 2007 23 11 21 10 3 22 11 22 7 7 24
Alabama 2008 23 5 21 4 5 17 11 22 3 3 21
Alabama 2009 23 8 18 5 5 25 15 18 5 8 21
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Alabama 2010 23 13 21 10 11 31 20 20 13 8 18
Alabama 2011 23 7 16 6 6 28 21 15 3 12 20
Alabama 2012 23 8 14 7 2 32 17 12 4 12 22
Alabama 2013 23 7 14 7 2 17 20 12 5 12 20
Alabama 2014 23 9 12 9 10 21 17 11 4 14 23
Alabama 2015 24 9 10 10 7 24 19 9 8 15 19
Alabama 2016 24 8 7 13 3 29 19 7 7 15 19
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Since we developed the table of "Alabama Population and Rate of Crime Rank Compared to other States", we are interested in hearing how others are using the table. Email:

Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Uniform Crime Reports 1980 to 2005
* United States Alaska* Alabama * Arkansas * Arizona * California * Colorado * ConnecticutDelaware Florida * Georgia * Hawaii * Iowa * Idaho * Illinois * Indiana * Kansas * Kentucky * Louisiana * Massachusetts * Maryland * Maine * Michigan * Minnesota * Missouri * Mississippi * Montana * North Carolina * North Dakota * Nebraska * New Hampshire * New Jersey * New Mexico * Nevada * New York * Ohio * Oklahoma * Oregon * Pennsylvania * Rhode Island * South Carolina * South Dakota * Tennessee * Texas * Utah * Virginia * Vermont * Washington D. C. * Washington * Wisconsin * West Virginia * Wyoming *

Copyright 1997-2018

Rate Per 100,000 and Rank by State of Crime by US States 1960 - 1977
1960 * 1961 * 1962 * 1963 * 1964 * 1965 * 1966 * 1967 * 1968 * 1969 * 1970 * 1971 * 1972 * 1973 * 1974 * 1975 * 1976 * 1977 *
Rate Per 100,000 and Rank by State of Crime and Imprisonment by US States 1978 - 2012
19781979 * 1980 * 1981 * 1982 * 1983 * 1984 * 1985 * 1986 * 1987 * 1988 * 1989 * 1990 * 1991 * 1992 * 1993 * 1994 * 1995 * 1996 * 1997 * 1998 * 1999 * 2000 * 2001 * 2002 * 2003 * 2004 * 2005 * 2006 * 2007 * 2008 * 2009 * 2010 * 2011 * 2012 *2013 *

Crime, Punishment and Ratio of Crime to Punishment Per 100,000 and Rank by Year and between States

Alaska -   Alabama  -  Arkansas  -  Arizona  -  California  -  Colorado  -  Connecticut -    Delaware  -    Florida  -  Georgia  -  Hawaii  -  Iowa -  Idaho  -  Illinois  -  Indiana -  Kansas -  Kentucky  -  Louisiana  -  Massachusetts  -  Maryland  -   Maine  - Michigan  -  Minnesota  -  Missouri  -  Mississippi  -  Montana -  North Carolina -  North Dakota  -  Nebraska  -  New Hampshire  -  New Jersey  -  New Mexico  -  Nevada  -  New York -  Ohio  -  Oklahoma -  Oregon  -  Pennsylvania -  Rhode Island  -  South Carolina  -  South Dakota  -  Tennessee  -  Texas  -  Utah  -  Virginia  -  Vermont  -  Washington  -  Wisconsin  -  West Virginia  -  Wyoming  

Rate and Rank of Crimes in the United States 1960 to 2013 Violent Crime Property Crime Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Theft Motor Vehicle Theft